A Captive that intends to be treated as a dormant captive insurance company effective on or before January 1st and requests dormant status approval by the Department prior to the end of the current calendar year shall file with the Bureau its request for dormant treatment along with all the following no later than December 15th, or the next business day in the event December 15th falls on a non-business day:
In the event a Captive seeking dormant status would become eligible for dormant status during the period between December 15th and January 1st of the subsequent calendar year (“Prospective Dormant Period”), the applicant may request Department approval of dormant status effective on the date within the Prospective Dormant Period the Captive would become eligible for dormant status. In addition to all the information required above, a request for a prospective dormant status effective date during the Prospective Dormant Period shall include the dormant status effective date requested, and a signed statement that provides the information to establish that the Captive would be eligible for dormant status as of the requested effective date. Dormant status approved on a prospective basis shall be rescinded if it is determined that the Captive was not eligible for dormant status on the prospective effective date that was approved by the Department.
Related Topics: Captive Insurance, Delaware Captive Insurance Program, DOI, Dormancy, Dormant Status